Rev. Tim Blackmon
Pastor Tim leads us in worship and provides guidance to the staff as they implement our plans for ministry.
(616) 842-0710
Every church is a unique reflection of its history and its beliefs. This is a place with deep roots and a strong Christian Reformed tradition. We invite you to visit and experience it for yourself.
Second Christian Reformed Church is part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. You can read more about creeds and theology on the CRCNA website. However, here are the basics that govern our worship and work in this world.
The Bible is the infallible Word of God. He speaks to us through this Word, and our preaching is based on this Word.
We are saved by grace alone. Nothing we can do makes us right with God. Only by accepting the sacrifice of His perfect Son on our behalf can we experience the joy of a restored relationship with God.
We are called to share the Gospel. We are God’s missionaries throughout the world, spreading the good news of His forgiveness and love.
You will find that this church acts on these beliefs in many ways, including:
1882 / The Free Independent Reformed Church was formed with 75 families. Services were preached in Dutch.
1895 / The first English-language sermon was preached here.
1910 / All services were conducted in English.
1915 / The first choir was formed.
1924 / We sponsored our first missionary.
1927 / The years of the Great Depression hit this congregation. Church members joined together to provide benevolent gifts for food, heat and housing.
1949 / The consistory voted to get an option on lots at the corner of Sheldon and Robbins, the site now occupied by the church building.
1957 / Lots for the church and the parsonage were purchased.
1966 / Construction was completed, and the new building was dedicated at the Easter Sunday morning service.
1982 / We celebrated our 100th anniversary!
2003 / On January 12, we dedicated a new addition. This significant expansion gave us multipurpose space, improved building accessibility, and provided much-needed classrooms.
2014 / Updates to the platform, lighting, video and audio systems were completed.
Pastor Tim leads us in worship and provides guidance to the staff as they implement our plans for ministry.
(616) 842-0710
Amy is the friendly voice you will hear on the phone when you call our church. She can assist you or direct your inquiry to the right person.
(616) 842-0710
Jennifer collaborates with our pastor and musicians to create compelling liturgies that enhance our worship of God.
(616) 842-0710
Rob engages tweens and teens in the life and ministry of the church.
(616) 842-0710
Annie guides our youngest members as they learn to love God and grow into Christ followers.
(616) 842-0710
Dirk is our mechanical wizard and exterior maintenance person.
(616) 842-0710
Mark keeps the inside of our church clean and sparkly. (616) 842-0710