The Afterword

The Afterword In order to facilitate some ongoing conversations about our Scripture reading I want to invite you to a post-service open forum. On Sunday, September 4, I will host this at 11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Most books conclude with an afterword. It is usually a brief statement to supplement the main content. Sometimes the afterword offers enriching comments, an explanation of how a book came into being, or it gives a nod to the author's future projects. Similarly, a movie may have a director's cut or bonus scenes and a music album may feature a "hidden track" (remember those on the LP's?) These additional features could easily be missed by the casual listener and the average viewer, but for the true aficionado, additional features can become a treasure. The 'Afterword' would be after the 'Word’ and would provide the congregation with an opportunity to dive a bit deeper into the text and sermon. The 'Afterword' allows anyone to ask a follow-up question, request clarification or raise a point of discussion. The 'AfterWord' may also include a few 'deleted scenes' that have been removed from the sermon for the sake of clarity, brevity or relevance. The 'AfterWord' will also help guide further application of the sermon for daily living and serve as a springboard for family worship, small groups and disciple-making conversations. I look forward to using the Afterword as an opportunity to get to know you better and for all of us to dive deeper into the Scriptures.


Focus, the high school youth group, will be starting back up on Sept. 11. We will meet approximately twice a month at church from 6:30 - 8:00. We will start off with dinner together, social/game time and end with our lesson. I have included at the bottom a tentative schedule through January. This year we will be looking at odd, weird, and unique stories from the bible and what we can learn from them. I am excited it should be fun topic for the kids to study