Women’s Bible Hour

Women's Bible Hour will meet for the four Thursdays in February at 1:30 pm in the parlor. We will be doing the last four lessons of our study of the Parables of Jesus. If you would like to join us and need the study materials call Char at 616-842-0848.

Love in Action

Love in Action upcoming dates: Monday, February 13 from 5p-8p: Culver’s Cares night, 10% of proceeds will be given to Love in Action to benefit the future Co-op. Saturday, March 4: Meijer Simply Give Double Match Day to benefit our pantries. Saturday, March 25: Meijer Simply Give Double Match Day to benefit our pantries. Love In Action Financial Fitness program is asking us to provide childcare services for their Empower U participants for the Thursday nights from March 9th through April 27th Spring program. High School students can earn both service hours and Outreach will help support your mission trip fund based on hours worked also. Please consider this opportunity to help serve our community with Love In Action. You may commit for any or all of these Thursday evening sessions. Sessions run from 5:45PM through 7:30 PM. Please contact Steve Marotti if interested or for more info at stevemarotti@gmail.com or 616-366-2717